The following is the results of hiking along the trail:

There was a frog on a log in the middle of the bog surrounded by fog,
When along came a dog chasing down a hog followed by a smog.
As I write this blog, I find it short of "og" dialog,
So will happily sip my eggnog and close this monologue.

More "og" verses are welcome!

The annual hike is here and this year we have added a video component. The first 3 days we will be day hiking and the last 5 will be backpacking.

The questions you may be asking yourself now might be:

1. The title says 10 days but 3+5=8, what happened to the other 2 days? Those are zero days and we use them to travel to and from our destination. These days are important in that they give us time to review our routes and other various planning and on the return it lets us acclimate back into society.

2. What is the difference between day hiking and backpacking? About 30 or so pounds on your back, daily shower, hotel comforts and fresh food (as opposed to rehydrated food stuffs).

3. Why would anyone want to backpack? We hope our little video blog will answer that for you. Between all our silliness enjoy snipits of nature we bring to you.

Day 1 (Warning: Conservatives may find elements of this video offensive)
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7 (fellow trail courtesy edit for NoFace)
Day 8

Will update as we can!